About Learn CS At Home
This website and its education content was developed by Dr. Victor Winter with the help of his wife, Jennifer Winter, and children, Isabella Winter and Aiden Winter.
About Dr. Winter
Dr. Winter is a full professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Nebraska-Omaha (UNO),
the creator of Bricklayer, and co-founder of Bricklayer.org. Bricklayer is a low-threshold infinite ceiling educational ecosystem designed to teach math and computer science in ways that are engaging as well as technically meaningful.
Dr. Winter’s area of expertise is programming languages. Within this area Dr. Winter has a particular interest in formalisms and frameworks that enable the description of computation in a manner that facilitates understanding as well as various forms of analysis. This interest includes, (1) verification – the informal and formal reasoning about properties of programs, and (2) validation – the manual and automated construction of tests to increase confidence in the behavior of a system.
Prior to accepting a position at UNO Dr. Winter was a Principal Member of the Technical Staff (PMTS) at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) where he was the lead for the High-Integrity Software project. SNL is a weapons (in particular nuclear weapons) lab. As a result SNL deals with ultra high-consequence, oftentimes one-of-a-kind, systems. For such systems it is essential to be able to make strong predictive statements about their behavioral profile prior to fielding the system. Such concerns form, motivate, and inspire the basis for Dr. Winter’s interest in reasoning about computation.